19 November 2008

second home

i never knew it was so hard to say goodbye...

i read the notes you've written-

on bright cardboards and binded reports
embracing the long hours we spent, hammering knowledge into shape
and the tedious research that revealed more about you
than the technical data you tried to understand.
unknown to you, each line seals these eight years whole.
and i think how long this journey's been-
to walk a trail i was confident i could never be lost.
these days i still find myself pretending
that a simple act of will
may hold back time,
distracting me from feeling afraid
to leave the common ground we shared.
be it false or honest dreaming
this constant affection will keep alive these years we shared,
help us revisit once more, the moment when courage taught us to find our separate freedoms again.
the remaining months will be strangely peaceful.
i pray we may soon find our own light,
to shine on each other for life,
even as the years draw close.

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