6 May 2008

live, learn, dream...8 years in the making.

dedicated to pioneers of days past and present...
a draft of video clip prepared for college day may 2008

batches 2000-2007 ( i think...)...and going...

many ought to recall some of your college mates in this moving clip...the lives led, the stories shared and a life in the making...

there is something about the vernacular & unassuming voice adopted by every speaker in this clip...i was drawn and eventually moved by the humility shown...as if they never expected to go that far on their own, and succeeded doing so...in spite of the branding and false consciousness that inflicts much of our educational psyche here especially among students in different jcs.

the diverse journeys they took underscored the worth and inherent dignity every school struggles to impart on the life of each student. the fact that some do succeed in life is worth celebrating...to recognise that success need not be solely defined by paper qualifications alone is another truth worth protecting...

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