6 June 2007

winter schapps

winter, here again. ice streams on air, neckscarf, gloves and a knapsack on my back. tree branches, almost bare. night chills and comfort socks. cycling 'neath clouds of grey. nowhere and everywhere. eager to pack for home. a year in daylight and a season's end, leaves are falling, sun sets at five. piano pieces on my laptop. lyrics and memories to a good old song. edible times-spontaneous menus in kitchen pots, the warm ginger soups, cold ham, sushi rice and morning creams on french coffee. quick runs & thermal swims in blueriver pools. chapel silence. holding a hand of hope on the wings of a prayer. gratitude for life, received...well-lived. fifteen more. and still, so many more daygifts to be opened. i'm ready to go, Lord. knowing, in leaving, i live. closing one life and re-opening another. finding and reclaiming my faith in You again, once more.

'Give, and there will be gifts for you; a full measure, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing, will be poured into your lap...' luke 6: 38

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