18 April 2007

postgrad monologue

all my hard-won references for the essay. get-them-done-get-them-DONE...spare my brains for the actual crux. time now to make links between theories. make visible and illuminate case studies. a gorgeous list of biblio. just beyond one hundred and thirteen. superior bulwark of sorts. armed escorts for my essay in stark defense against a prof who might soon tear everything apart. my soon-to-be-attained M.Ed pales in comparison to her PhD. that p otent and highly d angerous degree . she seems a nice lady. germanic intelligence all merged in one. her suits are all smart cuts and neat tucks. philo-trained consultant in educational leadership. scores of papers published in worldwide journals. recommends her own 'biblical' text, perhaps the only one she wrote for constant referencing. 'read this and you'd be fine', says she. nah. i know the tricks of these academics. cite and critique their works and some glow like crazy. intellectual puffery. let's take the less trodden way. i have my own sources for confirmation. re-vision and re-imagine. i dig from corners unseen. those creative energies are excavating...and these lines will march in unison. O Lord, bless my work that it may make good difference to bodies of knowledge long-exhausted.

Kissen, R. (2002). Getting ready for Benjamin: Preparing teachers for sexual diversity in the classroom. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.

Lakomski, G. (2005). Managing without leadership. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Leithwood, K. & Duke, D. (1999). A century’s quest to understand school leadership. In Murphy, J. & Louis, K. Handbook of Research on Educational Administration. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Lethwood, K., Jantzi, D., Steinbach, R. (1999). Changing leadership for changing times. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Lewis, M. (2000). Exploring paradox: A comprehensive guide. The Academy of Management Review. 25 (4). 760-776.

Macdonald, B. (1995). Theory as a prayerful act. New York: Peter Lang.

i like the final title...more to come...

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