26 March 2007

autumn pick

autumn comes mixed
with warm breeeze by day and unexpected chills
near evening...

i handhold a sprig,

pose awkwardly...
try to capture,
still, beyond all days
a quiet dream
from childhood
coming true,

sensing an earlier mystery,
unlearning a kind of peace that rests on falling leaves


Evelyn said...

you slimmed down quite a bit, Mr Koh! and you're with a goatie nowww! lol. dashing!

Anonymous said...

Eddie, for several months I've been reading everything you've written here, and am impressed and moved by the variety, flexibiility, imaginativeness and creativity with which you respond to the world outside and inside you. I'm looking forward to more. Peace!

---------------------------------------------- said...

hi eve,

you make being everything else but slim sound like a disease (dis-ease?)...but erm..thanks anyway for unexpected comment.

i shy la...

Anonymous said...

dear stevan

I am really honoured. I'm very encouraged by your comments. Thank you for writing in.

I have grown much from your ruthless honesty and guidance too. Remember that evening in Wellington? It's not everyday that you get a well-published author writing in to nudge you on the road ahead.

Means alot to me.

Keep buzzing!
