2 February 2007


The cinema attendant asked customers if they were watching "Bar-bell" and promptly invited them to the right hall. This film must be worth a weight of meaning if the pronunciation merits as such. one associates the biblical image of babel to signify the unifying language cell as having fallen apart, and disintegrated into other diverse soundscapes that emerge to populate distant lands. the oral geography of cultures and tongues. similar to the multicultural hybrids in film. the screen transmutes a mangled strand of stories. the director's cut nips, snips and tucks each setting, invigorating and surrounding them with sonic lines. the language of face, faith and restless footfalls running the arid dustlands in morocco, and only to find themselves seduced and tied to spanish tapestries in mexico. a sudden hijack of fate. to bilocate halfway round the world, locked in embrace, almost contained, within a cold japanese skyscraper.

language communicates. it also isolates. some are stripped of words. others bravely articulate a half-spoken truth. a few intoxicate the body with new beliefs. its
soul empty like cavity. we skin away its
many-sexed words,
re-energising our syntax and tone.

the chaste and stained origins

a disserter's searing silence

interrogated and
over and over

her loss of faith

replayed in these reels
in the heat of night


eric khoo's 12 Storeys and Be With Me
and roytan tan's 4.30. filmic yearnings for connection.
we hear about loss and fatigue long before we learn to sense them.
it is easier to feel than speak about them at times.

language and naked modernity

dislocation & communion

rewording our


an ancient blessing ,
disarming the manners

that mask our desolate depths.

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