27 February 2007

four short months

4 short months and i will make every effort to live them fully. i like my new niche behind the law faculty. it's quiet at night, spared from the tinkling bells of trams that run along swanston street. the kitchen-near-bed setup didnt prove too bad afterall. i just have to be careful with cooking methods. living on my own has somewhat simplified a lifestyle...my meals are simpler but no less palatable, and i could structure my free time more easily, not needing to rush home for cooking duties as of last year.

i catch the afternoon sunblast, unfortunately but am spared the awakening dawn. room faces west melbourne and if i am lucky, i get to catch a sight of hot-air balloons cruising outside my window. am starting to clear up any leftover stationary and household equipment by now, passing them on to undergrads who need some startup in their new place.

best of all, i committed myself to many more external courses this term. secured my last 2 majors in marketing as well as leadership succesfully within edfac. also taking up classes in world music, pilates as well as meditation. Life drawing is a possibility. winter is due again with autumn looming in april. days are going to get shorter and colder. i reckon my outdoor runs will cease. not into treadmills but the ones in unimelb sports ctr should do fine. they even have a heated pool with great views of the residential colleges as well as open field.

i doubt if i would have such lavish portions of time to rest, work and play once i get sucked into the workforce again. being here has transformed my narrow outlook to life and imparted a greater, if not deeper sense of independence to chart my own road and own my own time. went to tarrawarra on sun. delighted to meet pat, sam and joe once more. rekindling the past. we chatted for almost 4 hours in the same room. cloistered indeed. bought pau for them and jo had copy of you jin's text at last.

met johal yesterday. he dropped nus for unimelb. an excellent choice. he will grow even more. came up for tea. taught him in 2004. we reminisced about gothic days and the sins of 03A05. hope he does a module on cinema studies and literature. he has not lost his gift for abstract thought and writing. he is with nissa now, another junior gal who was in my gp class...02A05 i believe. ha. THAT class...loyal blokes to the core. strange that pioneer students almost always end up getting attached to each other. looks like we all find something secure to hold on from the past...

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