1 November 2006

recharter (i)

catching fish-filled days

this is my favourite section in queen victoria market (www.qvm.com.au). i spend the most amount of time here, trying to bargain for discounts at closing time. i once bought 3 pieces of coral trout for $12 and managed to steam one to perfection on the same day. no matter how dreary your day can get, seeing pound-slabs of swordfish mingling randomly with prickly pockets of sea urchins and upturned swimmer crabs by the side just makes your day. your purchase shimmers in freshness. not just plain lines of anonymous fish but christianed flake, leatherjacks, hake, perch, barramundi, mullet, grouper, shrimp, trout, mussels&oysters all gathered in lots, basked in seasalt. the haggling begins. i start floating an uncharted menu on my mind

1 comment:

hannah said...

mr koh, that last line sounds like what boey kim cheng would say...haaaaa

ahhh... i'm drowning in the world of romanticism...............