3 July 2006

women in life

they were there when i required some quiet to still an ego that was harsh on itself, adding names, helping to name the restless silence i mistook for peace. anchors of soul, carers at heart giving in ways which only women can give... some understanding, an appeal to honesty, and courage to shatter illusions i've only began to recognise. they point to horizons i refused to gaze further and led me to deeper courage to recapture myself and what i stand and live for.

there comes a point when we need to walk bravely, away from living an
incomplete life to one of wholeness, in daring to uproot false dreams and hold out to an open rain, we journey wayward, bare in spirit but faithful to the road, in every step reclaiming our first call, to be people of soul and spirit- keen observers of movements in the heart.

to kim (the wry look that was cast on me and clifford was classic!), helena, lai kuan, carol and sandra... i'm thankful our paths crossed along the busy byways of our lives.

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